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Reference: 1480037
EAN-13: 8717748455178

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The Infinity Chimp 300.G2 light controller with integrated 22” touchscreen delivers all the tools you need to create a lightshow within minutes. With the Chimp 300.G2 you have access to four universes with unlimited patchable fixtures. It has been engineered with one thing in mind: user convenience. It is the perfect controller for beginners and even more so for advanced users.You can connect an additional external touchscreen to the Chimp 300.G2. Use personalized colours in the GUI, add Magic sheets to visualize your show in 2D and put the extensive Atlabase to good use. The Atlabase fixture file offers more than 21,000 fixtures to choose from. But in case your specific fixture is missing, you can add this to your setup via the built-in Fixture Builder. Add effects, movements, colour changes and more by using the Effects Engine. Choose your desired colour out of the Filter libraries from Lee, Rosco or Apollo. The integrated Wireless DMX module by Wireless Solutions enhances the flexibility of the system. With each software version new features are added to the Chimp and the Atlabase fixture library is updated

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